Alfa Ebooks Manager
Alfa Ebooks Manager is a desktop software that is installed on user computer. The ebook library, all book covers, metadata and ebooks attached to the records in the database are also stored only on user computer and aren't uploaded to any website or Internet service. Alfa Ebooks Manager connects to website only to check the availability of software updates.
Alfa.NetSoft uses PayPro Global as an e-commerce provider. Alfa.NetSoft doesn't share customer data with any other companies. Customer payment data is not transfered to Alfa.NetSoft.
Alfareader is a standalone Windows software that is installed on user computer. It connects to the internet only to download free ebooks from public OPDS catalogues. User books, notes and ither data IS NOT shared over the Internet.
Alfa ISBN Scanner
Alfa ISBN Scanner is an add-on Android app. It doesn't connect to the Internet, so never shares any user data. Alfa ISBN Scanner uses phone camera only to scan ISBN barcodes.