Alfa Ebooks Manager includes built-in Web Server, that allows to access your library via desktop or mobile browsers in your local network. The web interface doesn't allow to edit data in the database, but allows to search, browse and download books from your library. It also includes Web Reader that allows to read ebooks in browser.
To launch the Web Server click Menu -> Web Server -> Start Web Server or click on the "Cloud" icon on the Status bar.
Clickable Web Server IP address will appear in the Status bar. You can also find the IP address in Options -> Web Server.
The web interface is responsive and supports most mobile devices. But if you know HTML, CSS, you can customize it as you like. The Web Interface files are stored here:
c:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/Alfa.NetSoft/Alfa Ebooks Manager/WebServer/
Web Server Options

In Web Server Options you can:
- set up the library title that will be shown Web Interface
- change the web server port
- turn on Web Server autostart on Alfa launch
- set to launch Alfa in Web Server mode (without the desktop app)
- if you launch Alfa Web Server at Windows start-up, you may want to auto-hide Web Server control panel to tray
- turn on the authentication (login/password) in the web interface