If you store e-Book files on your hard drive or external drive (DVD or SD/MMC card), you can use the Scan tool to import books to Alfa Ebooks Manager database automatically.

How it works:
1. Click on the icon Scan for Books in the Main Toolbar
2. Select the folder where the files are stored and (if needed) check the "Scan sub-directories" option
3. Select ebook extensions you want to find (if needed you can add custom extensions)
4. Select what book data you want to retrieve from these files
5. Start scan. It may take some time before all ebook files will be found. You can press the Stop button to stop the scan.
6. Save selected or all books to the database
Note: if you have very large library or you want to scan very large directory (like My Document), the scan can take very long. In this case the best tactic will be to uncheck all Scan options (not to parse metadata, create covers and retrieve ISBN). This will quickly add ebook files to the database. And later you can use the File Parser to retrieve metadata and covers by several parts.
Rescan and Duplicates control
Sometimes, when a lot of news ebooks appear in your collection, you may need to import only the new files to your Alfa Ebooks Manager database. For this reason the Scan tool includes the option "Skip files that already exist in the database" checked.
Besides, duplicates are marked in the Scan results list and you can remove them before saving ebooks to the database.
When scanning your library, Alfa creates cache (like a search engine) to make rescanning work faster.
The cache is located here: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/Alfa.NetSoft/Alfa eBooks Manager/Cache
You can clear the cache using the appropriated button in the Scan.

How it works:
1. Click on the icon Scan for Books in the Main Toolbar
2. Select the folder where the files are stored and (if needed) check the "Scan sub-directories" option
3. Select ebook extensions you want to find (if needed you can add custom extensions)
4. Select what book data you want to retrieve from these files
5. Start scan. It may take some time before all ebook files will be found. You can press the Stop button to stop the scan.
6. Save selected or all books to the database
Note: if you have very large library or you want to scan very large directory (like My Document), the scan can take very long. In this case the best tactic will be to uncheck all Scan options (not to parse metadata, create covers and retrieve ISBN). This will quickly add ebook files to the database. And later you can use the File Parser to retrieve metadata and covers by several parts.
Rescan and Duplicates control
Sometimes, when a lot of news ebooks appear in your collection, you may need to import only the new files to your Alfa Ebooks Manager database. For this reason the Scan tool includes the option "Skip files that already exist in the database" checked.
Besides, duplicates are marked in the Scan results list and you can remove them before saving ebooks to the database.
When scanning your library, Alfa creates cache (like a search engine) to make rescanning work faster.
The cache is located here: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/Alfa.NetSoft/Alfa eBooks Manager/Cache
You can clear the cache using the appropriated button in the Scan.