Library Explorer is the left panel that allows to filter the Books View by different parameters:

You can filter the book list by two or more parameters (i.e. by several tags) by selecting multiple items in the Library Explorer using Ctrl/Shift.
Library Explorer includes the following sections:
- Authors
- Genres
- Tags
- Locations (your computer folders)
- Publishers
- Series
- Titles
- Rating
- Publish Years
- Extensions (like .PDF, .EPUB, .MOBI...)
- Formats (like Ebook, Hardcover, Audible...)
- Languages
- History (by Add Dates)
- Queries (for example, allows to list Books without File)
- Duplicates (allows to find duplicates)
- Custom Fields
In the Library Explorer you can view the number of books (in each genre, tag, series, etc), edit and delete items.
You can also resize, hide the Library Explorer panel, change its position in the program interface.

You can filter the book list by two or more parameters (i.e. by several tags) by selecting multiple items in the Library Explorer using Ctrl/Shift.
Library Explorer includes the following sections:
- Authors
- Genres
- Tags
- Locations (your computer folders)
- Publishers
- Series
- Titles
- Rating
- Publish Years
- Extensions (like .PDF, .EPUB, .MOBI...)
- Formats (like Ebook, Hardcover, Audible...)
- Languages
- History (by Add Dates)
- Queries (for example, allows to list Books without File)
- Duplicates (allows to find duplicates)
- Custom Fields
In the Library Explorer you can view the number of books (in each genre, tag, series, etc), edit and delete items.
You can also resize, hide the Library Explorer panel, change its position in the program interface.