Copy/Move multiple books
To copy/move multiple books:
1. Select the books for which you want to copy/move files
2. Open Books -> Files Manager
3. Select the destination folder
4. Set the options (see below)
5. Check the result preview in the New Path column (if it's different from the Old Path, it will be highlighted in green)
6. Start the Copy/Move process
Note, that File Manager automatically checks if a new file path overwrites other file. In this case book in the list will be unchecked and highlighted.
Copy/Move options
- Include book covers - will copy/move book covers to the same destination folder
- Overwrite files - will overwrite files, if they already exist in the destination folder
- Update path - if selected, the file paths in the database will be automatically updated
- Include book folders - will copy/move book files with lowest-level folders
- Create folders - will arrange books to folders by selected parameter (i.e. by authors or genres)
Rename multiple files
To rename multiple ebook files:
1. Select the books in which you want to rename files
2. Open Books -> File Manager menu
3. Select or set new file name template
4. Check the result preview in the New Path column (if it's different from the Old Path, it will be highlighted in green)
5. Start the Rename process
The file paths in the database will be updated automatically.
Note, that File Manager automatically checks if the new file name differs from the current name and not empty. In these cases books in the list will be unchecked and highlighted.
To copy/move multiple books:
1. Select the books for which you want to copy/move files
2. Open Books -> Files Manager
3. Select the destination folder
4. Set the options (see below)
5. Check the result preview in the New Path column (if it's different from the Old Path, it will be highlighted in green)
6. Start the Copy/Move process
Note, that File Manager automatically checks if a new file path overwrites other file. In this case book in the list will be unchecked and highlighted.
Copy/Move options
- Include book covers - will copy/move book covers to the same destination folder
- Overwrite files - will overwrite files, if they already exist in the destination folder
- Update path - if selected, the file paths in the database will be automatically updated
- Include book folders - will copy/move book files with lowest-level folders
- Create folders - will arrange books to folders by selected parameter (i.e. by authors or genres)
Rename multiple files
To rename multiple ebook files:
1. Select the books in which you want to rename files
2. Open Books -> File Manager menu
3. Select or set new file name template
4. Check the result preview in the New Path column (if it's different from the Old Path, it will be highlighted in green)
5. Start the Rename process
The file paths in the database will be updated automatically.
Note, that File Manager automatically checks if the new file name differs from the current name and not empty. In these cases books in the list will be unchecked and highlighted.