Important! Amazon is changing its API policy!

Amazon - is the most popular online book store among Alfa Ebooks Manager users. With the help of Amazon search plugin we are able to retrieve book data (title, ISBN, description, covers, etc.) and save it to the ebook database software. That is why most of us should pay attention to the upcoming changes in Amazon API.

Since August 15, 2009 all calls to Amazon API will require authentication. But the Amazon plugin that was distributed in our free Alfa Ebooks Manager (0.1-0.6) and paid version Alfa Ebooks Manager 0.7 is sending requests with our AWS Access Key ID without being signed. These calls to Amazon API will not be processed after August 15, 2009.

That's why we have released a new version of Amazon plugin, that is available for free in the Plugins section of our website. Please, download it and copy Amazon.dll file to Search_dll folder (that is located in the software directory) and Microsoft.Web.Services3.dll file to the software root folder.

Our latest version, Alfa Ebooks Manager 0.7.5 that will be available in few days, will already contain the new plugin.
Posted: August 12, 2009