How to access your Alfa library via the Internet

Users often ask us how to set up the Internet access to Alfa's Web Server. Almost all router manufacturers now provide cloud access service, and if you have a modern router (that supports DDNS - Dynamic Domain Name System) you can connect to your local network via the Internet. This also allows to access Alfa's Web server when you are out of home/office. So, here we provide a step-by-step guide how to set up such remote access to your library on the example of Asus router:

1. Launch Alfa Ebooks Manager and open your database.

2. Open menu Tools -> Options -> Web Server -> Port and enter a port, different from 80, for example 8080

3. Launch Alfa's Web Server

4. Check that the Web server works, by opening in your browser its address, in our case

5. Open your router's Control Panel and enable DDNS client:

6. Check that you can access router's Control Panel via the Internet. In our case - open this link in browser:

7. Enable port forwarding for Alfa Ebooks Manager Web Server

8. Add a profile

9. Open the same link in browser:

and you'll see Alfa's web interface

If it doesn't appear, try to turn off the Windows Firewall:

and if it works - add a new rule to the Firewall:

Posted: April 16, 2021