As you know, we rely on Shareit as on our primary e-commerce partner. It's the most secure and reliable e-commerce platform that provides a variety of payment and delivery options and guarantees a high quality of service. But it has very strict anti fraud policy, and that's why sometimes our buyers have problems when ordering on Shareit. So, we decided to add a less strict payment option and partnered with Plimus. It offers a safe, secure and flexible buying experience, delivering comfortable access to the best products and services on the Web.
Plimus works with the world's major credit card companies and is checked daily by McAfee Corporation to ensure that they are 100% Hacker Safe. Besides it supports additional online paying methods like PayPal, Google Checkout, Bank Transfer, Wire Order, E-Check, or using your credit card to order via phone or fax.
So, if you have any problem with ordering our ebook database software on Shareit, please use this link to place a secure order on our Plimus online store.
Plimus works with the world's major credit card companies and is checked daily by McAfee Corporation to ensure that they are 100% Hacker Safe. Besides it supports additional online paying methods like PayPal, Google Checkout, Bank Transfer, Wire Order, E-Check, or using your credit card to order via phone or fax.
So, if you have any problem with ordering our ebook database software on Shareit, please use this link to place a secure order on our Plimus online store.
Posted: September 24, 2009